L'étude "Balancing social and environmental objectives"
Mots clés

Balancing social and environmental objectives

Pledge on just transition: Balancing social and environmental objectives
Call for pledges – Transition pathway on proximity and social economy

This report is a pledge made as an answer to the call for pledges published by the European Commission as part of the transition pathway on proximity and social economy. The pledge is led by “Le Labo de l’ESS” in France, in partnership with “Pour la Solidarité” in Belgium, the European Network of Cities and Regions for the Social Economy (REVES) and the French network of Territorial Authorities for the Solidarity Economy (RTES).
It focuses on Just Transition, namely a transition that is ecological, and socially fair and inclusive. Its objective is two-fold: i) pioneering the concept of Just Transition; ii) illustrating how social economy (SE) contributes to Just Transition. We expect the pledge is going to trigger new SE initiatives for Just Transition in the EU by transfer of experience and know-how.


Two annexes to this pledge are available : 

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